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编带电容.排带铝电解电容220uF10V 105° RoHS

编带电容.排带铝电解电容220uF10V 105° RoHS

报价:  电议
单位: 华凯电容(深圳)有限公司
姓名: 張腊珍
电话: 0755-84006779

编带电容.排带铝电解电容220uF10V 105° RoHS

孔距/孔径:12.7mm(孔距)/4.1mm (依需求另订制其它孔距)
成型脚距:2.5mm 3.5mm 5.0mm (7.5mm 10mm 15mm等以上需另订货)
编带高度:17mm –21mm

普通铝电解电容器专用设备系列产品电解电容器自动编带机Auto-taping Machine for Electrolytic Capacitor1. 本机械主要的功能是将电解电容器(Radia1Type)依极性排列后按一定间隔粘贴在纸带之上;
2. 本机械附有容量测试表,可防止不同批号的电容器发生混料;
3. 导线成型的形状可以变换,成型模具的更换可以在短时间之内完成;
4. 编带时正负极性的先后次序可以开关切换;
5. 不良品在编带之前会自动排出,不会造成空格;
6. 编带的间距及脚距附有自动检出的装置;
7. 电容器的直径或长度的更换,可在短时间内完成;
8. 本机械可适用卷装及盒装两种包装方式;
9. 本机械可单独成型、切脚,长度为3.5±0.5。
FEATURES1. The main function of this machine is taping the radial capacitors by their polarity;
2. This machine is equipped with volume testing device which avoid mixing different capacitors together;
3. The radial can be formed with different shapes by changing the molds within few minutes;
4. The taping sequence of polarity (+ or -) can be changed by switch;
5. The defective products will be picked out before taping, so there is no empty space;
6. It is attached with automatic checking device to detect the taping pitch;
7. The diameter and length of capacitors can be changed by replacing some parts within few minutes;
8. It adopts tape & reel or tape & box packing;
9. This machine can mold & cut independently with standard length of 3.5±0.5

规格:  编带电容220uF10V 105° RoHS
数量:  1000000 包装:袋装/编带
日期:  2020-12-24  

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