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您现在的位置:跨国采购网 > 找展会 > 2016中国.天津(环渤海)国际食品交易会
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所属行业: 食品
国家/地区 : 中国
举办城市: 天津
展馆名称: 天津国展中心
举办时间: 2016/11/03~2016/11/07

After elaborate cultivation for eight years, China Tianjin (Circum-Bohai-Sea) International Food Trade Fair (TFTF) has achieved a significant progress under the great support of exhibitors and professional audience at home and abroad; it has been publicly recognized as the professional event with the largest scale, highest popularity and best effect in the high-end food industry of Circum-Bohai-Sea region; for years, many enterprises have come to the exhibition from home and abroad, including exhibition group of the European Union, the exhibition group of Italy, the exhibition group of Oman, the exhibition group of America, the exhibition group of Japan, the exhibition group of Taiwan China, the exhibition group of Hong Kong China, with an accumulated exhibition area of about 100 thousand sqm, an accumulated number of about 2500 exhibitors and an accumulated number of more than 1 million visitors.
Concurrent activities: Rich Contents, Active Forms, High Levels
TFTF had improved a lot in scale, propaganda and other aspects, effectively promoted the China-ASEAN cooperation and economic and trade communications through holding activities like "Business Opportunities in the Up-graded version of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area",Summit Forum, Products Matchmaking,Project Release Conference and Enterprises Visits. Meantime, TFTF created a professional platform for wines, set a professional exhibition zone for wines and organized “Tianjin International Wine Competition”, which greatly improved the functionality and influence of TFTF, highly promoted the progress of professional food fair in Northern China and praised by all sectors of the society and enterprises.

Main statistics of 2014 Circum-Bohai-Sea (bohai-rim) Food Exhibition (fair)
With an exhibition area of 20,000 sqm, it had witnessed a rapid growth for three consecutive years, increased by 21.87% from 2013.
A total number of 500 enterprises from around China had come to the event, increased by17.66% from 2013.
Visit flow was 350,000 in total and 8656 professional visitors had come to the event from 15 domestic provinces and municipalities and 8 overseas countries and regions.
The total turnover on-site was nearly 150 million
TFTF2015 Cooperation Institution
中国食品工业协会、省市食品协会联盟、天津市商务委、天津市经济和信息化委员会、天津市农村工作委员会、天津市旅游集团、天津市人民***侨务办公室、天津市食品工业协会、天津东疆港保税区管理委员会、天津东疆保税港区国际贸易服务有限公司、天津国展中心股份有限公司 济南鑫德会展服务有限公司
China National Food Industry Association、League of Province Food Industry Associations, Tianjin Commission Of Commerce、Tianjin Economic And Information Technology Commission、Tianjin Agricultural Commission、Tianjin Tourism Corporation Ltd、Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Tianjin Municipal Government、Tianjin Food Industry Association、Tianjin DongJiang Free Trade Port Zone Management Committee、Tianjin DongJiang Free Trade Port Zone International Trade Service Co.,Ltd、Tianjin International Exhibition Center Co.,Ltd Jinan XindeExhibition Co.,Ltd
美国大使馆农业贸易处、东盟十国驻华大使馆:印度尼西亚、马来西亚、菲律宾、新加坡、泰国、文莱、越南、老挝、缅甸和柬埔寨, 韩国驻华大使馆、意大利对外贸易委员会、俄罗斯驻华大使馆、加拿大驻华大使馆
Overseas Institutions:
Agricultural Trade Office of Embassy of the United States (ATO), Embassies of ten countries of ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations): Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar and Cambodia, Foreign Affairs Republic of Korea, Italian Trade Agency, Ministry of Russian Embassy in China, The Embassy of Canada to China,
2016年11月1-2日布展/November 2016,1-2, exhibit
2016年11月3-7日展出/November 2016, 3-7,the exhibition
【国家组团】 【葡萄酒】 National exhibition groups Wines
【农副产品】 【肉类海鲜】 Agricultural produce fresh meat
【冷冻食品】 【糖酒粮油】 Frozen area Sugar, wines, grains and oils
【休闲食品】 【进口食品】 Leisure foods Imported Foods
【水果蔬菜】 【调味食品】 Fresh fruits and vegetables area Condiment
Highlights of TFTF Exhibition:
"2016 China-ASEAN Food Industry Economic and Trade Fair" effectively promotes the China-ASEAN cooperation and economic and trade communications through holding activities like "Business Opportunities in the Up-graded version of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area",Summit Forum, Products Matchmaking,Project Release Conference and Enterprises Visits
2016 U WINE中国天津环渤海国际葡萄酒展,天津地区***的涵盖口岸服务的国际化、专业性进口葡萄酒展会,展会汇集众多国内外知名葡萄酒商、境外酒庄。
2016 UWINE China Tianjin (Bohai-Rim) International Wine Fair
The only international and professional exported wine fair covers port services in Tianjin and it gathers a large number of domestic and overseas wine exhibitors and chateau to UWINE
2015进口食品采购对接洽淡会 展会商务对接洽淡区,为展商搭建供需双方一对一的商贸洽谈
Purchase and matching negotiation conference for imported foods
The business matching negotiation area of the exhibition will establish demander-supplier one-to-one business negotiation for the exhibitors

地 国内¥600/㎡
海外$120/㎡ 空地:光地面积起租***少36M2以上,显著位置特装价格另议(空地管理费及搭建费自理)
普通展位 国内¥5500
海外$1200 普通国标展位:(3M*3M)、中英文楣板文字(3M*0.25M)、一张咨询台、两把折椅、日光灯两支、电源插座一个。
豪华展位 国内¥8000
海外$1400 豪华国际展位:门口豪华搭装,中英文楣板文字、一张咨询台、两把折椅、两盏射灯、玻璃洽谈桌一套,插座一个(500W以内)。
简易特装 国内¥900/㎡
海外$220/㎡ 简易特装:桁架结构,背景画面、两套洽谈桌椅、四盏射灯),并配16A/220V用电箱(含空地管理费)
TFTF2016 参展服务/TFTF2016 Exhibitors Services:
1、展会服务/1, Exhibition Services:
1) 为参展商免费提供《会刊》内页200字以内企业文字介绍;
1) To provide exhibitors within "journal" pages 200 words of text introduced free enterprise;
2) to provide food show website promotion services for exhibitors
3) provision of conference services, business assistance services
4) Return ticketing, hotel reservation services and exhibition site
2、参展手续/Exhibitors procedures
1) Please submit the completed application form the organizing committee, the booth will be the first to apply the principle of payment arrangement served booth. Election booth area larger and sponsors will have priority.
2) After the submission of the application form within five working days please all of the participation fee payment to the organizing committee, will not be retained past the booth.
3) After receiving the application form the organizing committee and exhibitors all amounts reply within a week booth reservation confirmation.
2016中国.天津(环渤海)国际食品交易会时间:2016年11月3--7日 地址:天津国展中心
电话:0531-58667043 传真:0531-88890151
联系人:曹丽 手机:15006515376(微信)


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 单位: 济南鑫德会展服务有限公司 营业执照已上传
 姓名: 曹丽
 电话: 13210543686
 本信息由展览公司自行发布, 内容真实性由发布者负责。
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  展会发布途径: 免费注册会员-->登陆会员区-->完成实名认证-->其他功能-->发布展会信息.
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