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SF0001高松厚度单面涂布白卡纸 价格:0.1元/g

SF0001高松厚度单面涂布白卡纸 价格:0.1元/g

报价:  0.1元/g
单位: Guangzhou Shunfeng Paper Co.,LTD
姓名: 王小姐
电话: 02082025251
high-bulk one side coated white card board GC2
1. introduction
the product is with high bulkness, good stiffness, and excellent one-side printability
2. application:
dried-food packaging , chocolate, cosmetic, graphic carbon, tools packaging etc.
3. Composition:
Three times coating on the printing surface, and single coating on the back side. The fiber sheet contains three layers, which are 100% virgin wood pulp without DIP and other waste paper pulp . the top and bottom layers are bleached chemical pulp, and the filler is BCTMP. Manufacturing process is strictly in accordance with the prohibited substances standards promulgated by the State Council Security Office and the Ministry of Agriculture, absolutely without orthophthalic substances.
3. Printability:
The product has high printing smoothness, good flatness, high whiteness and printing gloss, also with good half-tone transfer-restored effect, clear and full color graphics.
4. Processability:
Meeting the requirements of a variety of processing after printing, aqueous-coating, UV-coating, polishing, bronzing etc.
5. storability:
The product has good light resistance, and can be preserved for a long time in non-direct sunlight environment.

规格:  SF0001
数量:  200000Ton 包装:根据单科量来定
日期:  2014-03-25  

SF0001高松厚度单面涂布白卡纸 价格:0.1元/g
声明:跨国采购网为信息服务提供商,本页面正文信息及图片由Guangzhou Shunfeng Paper Co.,LTD自行发布,内容合法性由发布者负责,交易请谨慎核实。

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